Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Another SHRM State Conference - Interested?

The Drury Lane Theater - Home of ILSHRM.
With our own version of the SHRM State Conference (ILSHRM12) in the bag for year, I can safely now talk about, and promote other SHRM state Conferences. There are some good ones coming up here in the SHRM North Central Region. While these are not in all of our backyards, for some folks another state conference is not all that far away.

As a board member of ILSHRM I have had the good fortune to attend a few events outside the Land of Lincoln. I enjoyed them immensely.  For the most part you are almost guaranteed NOT to know anyone, so you could not craft that any better as a networking event?  It is also most interesting to see the different hot button issues in the nearby states. Interested?  Take a little virtual shopping trip below...

Catch me in Orlando

Now those are the conferences close by.  Me, I am gonna take a little different approach for attending an out of state SHRM conference.  I am headed to the Mother of all State Conferences. What's that you ask... HR FLORIDA. It has been going on for the last 50 years... well maybe not that long, but this year is rumored to be their 30th SHRM State Conference.  On my trip, I plan to investigating the roots of social media and its use at SHRM conferences.  I understand HRFlorida has helped shape this landscape, and I hope to get some details on this.   HRFlorida has also been a leader in attendance. Their conferences typically draw around 1500 attendees each year. I am hopeful to find out what they do so well, and share that.  They create this monster show every year and I want to see if first hand.

There will no doubt be a lively stream flowing out on twitter under the #HRFL12 hashtag.  I will adding to that stream, sharing what I can learn about HRFlorida and it's success.

Now if you can't make HR Florida please take a look at our neighbors in the North Central Region - they too have much to offer!

Dave Ryan - Director of Social Media ISC SHRM   

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